

Meet Siddharth Bulusu!

Describe what you do at DataLink - in your own words

As a Product Manager, I’m focused on developing the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for our care coordination solution. Drawing from my experience and internal stakeholder requirements, I lead the design and development process to create a product that addresses key needs and sets the foundation for future enhancements. My role involves prioritizing features, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and ensuring the MVP delivers core functionalities that improve care coordination and efficiency.

What do you like most about DataLink?

I love the innovative spirit at DataLink. We’re constantly pushing boundaries to develop solutions that have a real impact on healthcare. The collaborative environment and the drive to continuously improve keeps me motivated and engaged.

Which DataLink value is your favorite? and Why?

Act with Integrity & Respect
Act with Integrity and Respect is my favorite company value because I believe that it promotes trust and transparency, which are crucial for building strong work relationships and culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

How do you put this value to work in your worklife?

I make sure to demonstrate honesty and transparency in all actions, fulfill commitments reliably, value and listen to other’s viewpoints, address conflicts with fairness, make ethical decisions, and foster a culture of mutual respect.

What makes you feel most valued at DataLink?

What makes me most valued is the trust and freedom I’ve been given to innovate and build the care coordination solution. This freedom empowers me to take initiative, explore creative approaches, and drive project forward effectively, all while staying aligned with the company’s strategic objectives.

What has been the best part about working at DataLink?

The best part about working at DataLink has been the opportunity to tackle complex challenges that stimulate both critical and creative thinking. This aspect of the work keeps me engaged and intellectually stimulated, as I continuously strive to develop innovative solutions and see their real-world impact.

How have you grown at DataLink?

I’ve grown at my company by playing a key role in building a product under tight deadlines, which sharpened my skills in agile project execution, enhanced my technical expertise, and improved my ability to collaborate effectively in a fast-paced environment.

How has DataLink helped you in your career development?

DataLink has advanced my career by providing challenging project, access to continuous learning, and opportunities for mentorship, all of which have accelerated my professional growth.

A little about you...

Do you have a nickname?

Not really, however, I go by Sid, which is short for Siddharth.

Please provide us with a personal quote.

‘Stay humble and let your actions speak louder than your words.’

Before working at DataLink, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

Before joining DataLink, I spent nearly a decade in the U.S. healthcare sector, working on EHRs, care coordination, population health and a few other products. Following that, I took a significant detour into a family-owned food business. This experience was quite different from my healthcare background, offering me insights into the dynamics of a small business, including customer relations, inventory management, and day-to-day operational challenges. The transition from high-tech healthcare solutions to the food industry broadened my perspective, enhancing my adaptability and problem-solving skills.

How did you first learn about DataLink

I first learned about the company when a former connection reached out to me on LinkedIn. They highlighted the company’s exciting opportunities and vision, which captured my interest, and I chose to explore the role and see how it aligns with my professional goals and interests.

Tell us about your favorite travel spot and why you like to go there

One of my favorite travel spots is the national parks in India. The experience of going on a safari and photographing the diverse flora and fauna is both thrilling and rewarding. These parks offer a perfect blend of adventure and serenity, making each visit a memorable exploration of nature’s wonders.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Wow, the thought of a movie being made about my life feels incredible! If I had to choose an actor, I’d go with Keanu Reeves. His reputation for being incredibly down-to-earth and humble aligns well with the values I hold.