

Meet Stephen Wright

Describe what you do at DataLink - in your own words

As an agile delivery manager at DataLink, I’m responsible for ensuring that agile methodologies are effectively implemented and lead to success and timely delivery of software products that meet the customer’s needs at a high level of quality.

We facilitate the agile methodology, which can vary by team (scrum, kanban, etc.) and ensure that the method and framework fits the delivery needs and scope for the teams work to maximize productivity and ensure we meet our commitments.

We also facilitate the ceremonies/events for the team, such as daily standups, planning, refinement, reviews, and retrospectives. We also aim to foster collaboration and create a high-performing team environment both within our assigned teams and backlogs and across the company as a whole.

As ADMs we also work to plan and manage project timelines and deliverables, making sure projects stay on schedule and within scope and we track and report metrics on project progress and performance to stakeholders and management to ensure expectations align with project goals. Lastly, we work to identify, manage, and mitigate risks and issues that threaten the delivery or timeline and escalate those issues within the company to seek quick resolution and keep projects on track and successful.

What do you like most about DataLink?

What I love most about DataLink is the company culture here, since there’s always a positive and supportive work environment that promotes collaboration and innovation. I feel many individuals flourish in this environment and we have the best people. They’re great!

Which DataLink value is your favorite? and Why?

Deliver Results
Delivering results is my favorite of the DataLink values because it’s what I work toward in my role each and every day. We’re always going above and beyond to do whatever we can to make our clients happy, deliver on time, and exceed expectations. I’m privileged to work at a place that values its clients so highly and where people work tirelessly to meet commitments.

How do you put this value to work in your worklife?

In my personal life, I use many of the learnings and methods I employ in the workplace to organize and prioritize the work I need to get done. I’m always attempting be the most efficient person I can be whether at work or at home. The skills and techniques I’ve learned here at work have been invaluable to me at home as well.

What makes you feel most valued at DataLink?

What makes me feel most valued at DataLink is the opportunity to work on challenging projects with tight deadlines. We can see the impact we have in the company’s success and readily recognize our contributions. We feel great value in our flexibility such as working remotely and having great benefits. Furthermore, our empathetic leadership always makes us feel appreciated when we meet the vision they have laid out and we are very supported by our leadership team.

What has been the best part about working at DataLink?

The best part of working at DataLink has been being able to collaborate with such great people. The company encourages team work and working in a team atmosphere where members support each other is very fulfilling. We also have been able to participate in team building and social events, which have strengthened bonds among co-workers, and it’s been a great experience. We also trust employees and give autonomy to make decisions and take ownership and this trust makes the work more fulfilling as well.

How have you grown at DataLink?

I’ve grown at DataLink through holding many various positions within the company. I’ve held the roles of project manager, scrum master, product owner, quality analyst, and now agile delivery manager. This has allowed me to garner many skills and a deeper understanding of our business that I could have if I had just been at one company in one role. As the company has grown, there have been great opportunities like this.

How has DataLink helped you in your career development?

DataLink has helped me to learn and develop professionally through real experience as well as training and education. Having held many different roles, I’ve been able to learn a great deal. I’m thankful for all of the opportunities I’ve had at DataLink. I was able to achieve certifications and experience in the roles of product owner and scrum master, and learned from others in different roles since we have implemented interdisciplinary teams. This is the greatest thing about the team environment and people having diverse backgrounds and skills working together for me.

A little about you...

Please provide us with a personal quote.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Before working at DataLink, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked Woody’s BBQ way back and that was quite fun, I still very much enjoy BBQ and grilling today as well as cooking in general. One day I would like to compete in a professional BBQ contest!

If you had to tell your 15-year-old self one thing, what would it be?

Wear sunscreen and buy Bitcoin.

Any random facts you could share with us?

I was a world religions teacher for 5 years before DataLink. I have a master’s of art in religion, and I’ve taught courses at SPC and USF and still have passion for this subject!

Tell us about your favorite travel spot and why you like to go there

I would love to visit Egypt someday, especially the pyramids and ruins of Ancient Egypt. I find the culture and civilization fascinating.

What is your favorite book recommendation and why?

My favorite book recommendation would be The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it’s the best book I’ve ever read (specifically the Constance Garnett translation).