

Meet Yashwini Bejjam!

Describe what you do at DataLink - in your own words

For the past year, I’ve been a senior human resources executive at DataLink. My responsibilities encompass a range of human resources functions, including recruitment, onboarding, induction programs, employee engagement, offboarding, addressing grievances, and enhancing employee retention. My primary objective is to cultivate an environment where employees perceive DataLink as a happy and great place to work.

What do you like most about DataLink?

I’m genuinely impressed by DataLink’s learning and development strategy, which heavily invests in upscaling employees’ skill sets and provides ample opportunities for growth. DataLink is known for entrusting new hires with responsibilities and offering significant learning exposure, which greatly contributes to their professional development.

Our learning programs through platforms such as Udemy and LinkedIn as well as mentorship programs and internal knowledge sharing initiatives are really beneficial.

Which DataLink value is your favorite? and Why?

Celebrate Our Differences, and Engage & Grow Together
My cherished value at DataLink is “Celebrating our Differences.” Embracing the uniqueness of each individual is integral to the beauty of life. By celebrating our differences, we contribute to creating a better world. It’s truly inspiring to witness the acceptance of diverse cultures and the unity in supporting and improving each other’s lives.

This aspect brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Also the value “Engage and Grow Together” allows us to learn from one another, fostering enhanced understanding and collective growth. Life improves when we share, care, and progress together as a unified entity. This approach benefits not only individual development but also contributes to organizational growth.

How do you put this value to work in your worklife?

In my role, I have the privilege of collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Taking the time to understand each person’s unique background enables me to acknowledge and embrace their differences, fostering a welcoming environment akin to a family atmosphere within the organization. This sense of belonging significantly enhances employee productivity and engagement. Through various engagement activities, I ensure that employees feel this sense of belonging, which is crucial in a global company like DataLink.

Working in such an environment has also provided me with valuable insights into Indian culture as well as exposure to the working styles and approaches of our United States-based team. This experience has enriched my understanding of cultural diversity and how to effectively collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds. By embracing and promoting this value of inclusivity and belongingness, I contribute to creating a supportive and productive work environment for everyone.

What makes you feel most valued at DataLink?

What makes me feel most valued at DataLink is the strong employee connection and personal relationships I have with all team members. Knowing that the work I do is acknowledged and appreciated encourages me to continuously strive for excellence. This recognition fosters a sense of value and belonging within the organization, motivating me to contribute positively to our shared goals.

What has been the best part about working at DataLink?

The highlight of my experience at DataLink has been the invaluable opportunity for learning and growth. Coming from a background primarily focused on recruitment, I’ve had the chance to broaden my horizons by working on diverse projects and acquiring a wealth of new skills and knowledge. I’m truly grateful for the learning opportunities provided here, which have significantly enriched my professional journey.

How have you grown at DataLink?

At DataLink, I’ve experienced significant growth both professionally and personally. While traditional human resource functions are typically subdivided among different individuals, I’ve had the unique opportunity to handle various functions within human resources, which has contributed to my professional development.

DataLink’s leadership also fosters a supportive and friendly environment, encouraging strong bonds with employees. The guidance and mentorship I’ve received from leaders have been instrumental in my personal growth, helping me to navigate challenges and refine my skills. Overall, my journey at DataLink has been transformative, shaping me into a more capable and confident professional.

How has DataLink helped you in your career development?

DataLink has been pivotal in my career growth, providing opportunities to handle diverse human resource functions and projects, enhancing both my professional and personal development. DataLink’s inclusive culture celebrates diversity, fostering strong bonds between employees and leaders who offer valuable guidance and support. The company’s robust learning initiatives have allowed me to expand my skill set significantly, contributing to my overall growth and success.

A little about you...

Please provide us with a personal quote.

Forgive and forget the bad, always cherish the good.

Before working at DataLink, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

Before joining DataLink, I launched a pet boarding center in my local area, driven by my deep attachment to animals and my personal passion for their well-being. Inspired by my love for pets and the desire to combine work with enjoyment, I embarked on this venture to not only generate income but also to find fulfillment in caring for animals.

What are 3 words you would use to describe DataLink? Please tell us why you chose those words

Three words I would use to describe DataLink are:

  • Inclusive: DataLink fosters an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity, as evidenced by its emphasis on acknowledging and appreciating individual differences.
  • Growth-oriented: DataLink prioritizes employee growth and development, offering robust learning and development strategies that provide ample opportunities for expanding skill sets and knowledge.
  • Supportive: DataLink’s leadership is known for providing guidance and mentorship, which plays a crucial role in nurturing employees’ potential and helping them navigate challenges.

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

If granted the ability to choose a superpower, I would opt for the gift of healing. Bringing relief and happiness to others, as well as restoring balance to nature, would be immensely fulfilling.