This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certification criteria to which the product has been certified: 170.315 (a)(1‐5,9,12,14); (b)(1‐2, 10); (d)(1‐9,12,13); (e)(1,3); (f)(1); (g)(3-7,9,10); (h)(1). 

    • Developer Organization Name: Datalink Software, LLC
    • Product Certification Date: 12/21/2022
    • Product Name and Version: EvokeEHR 4.0
    • CHPL Product Number:
    • Relied Upon Software: DrFirst Rcopia, EMR Direct phiMail, Medline Connect, Firely Server & Firely Auth Server 

SVAP Disclaimer: DataLink Software intends to implement the following new standards for 170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services: US Core 4.0.0. No impact will be made to existing end users of as a result of these changes. Real word testing supporting these standards will begin in 2024 with plan submission in the fall of 2023.

Costs and Considerations

Certified Capability

Description of Capability

Costs or Fees

EHR Module

(Certified Health IT)

Certified Health IT web application that supports PM and EHR workflows.

Full cost of the EHR is determined per provider, or provider extender, billed at an ongoing monthly rate, plus a one-time cost of setup and training per location. All clearinghouse and EDI transaction fees will be the responsibility of the licensee.

Transmissions of CCDA’s using Direct Messaging

(170.315(b)(1), (b)(2), (e1),(h1))

For Providers who wish to utilize our Direct Messaging service to exchange transitions of care summaries via a HISP network supported by EMR Direct Phimail software.

May require an annual cost to support; Potential contractual limitations for the use of relied upon software EMR Direct Phimail include completing electronic organizational verification and NIST Level 3 identity authentication for users.

FHIR API – Interaction with SMART on FHIR Application(s)

(170.315 (g)(10))

Gives Providers & their Patients the ability to interact with SMART on FHIR Application(s).

May require an annual cost for FHIR API capabilities utilizing Firely’s FHIR & Authentication servers to interact with SMART on FHIR applications.

Transmission to Immunization Registries (170.315(f)(1))

Data Exchange with State Immunization Registries.

Some external integrations such as laboratory interfaces, specialty reporting, Immunization registry reporting, may require a software license fee, implementation fee, and support fees.

Medication Ordering & Drug/Allergy Interaction Checks

(170.315 (a)(1), (a)(4))

Utilizing DrFirst Rcopia, Providers are able to complete medication verification checks, order medications and ePrescribing.

Per Provider per month. Potential contractual limitations for the use of relied upon software DrFirst Rcopia include completing electronic organizational verification and NIST Level 3 identity authentication for users.

Please refer to this documentation relating to the b.10 – Electronic Health Information export requirement

Data Dictionary: EvokeEHR: Data Dictionary