This documentation provides instruction to access DataLink Patient Data API (DataLink PDAPI). DataLink PDAPI provides access to patient data as part of certification criteria outlined by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
This document should be used by third parties as a reference to access patient clinical data. This document serves to fulfill the following criterion outlined by ONC.
- Application Access – Patient Selection – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(7)
- Application Access – Data Category Request – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(8)
- Application Access – All Data Request – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(9)
To access patient information, any patient or patient representative should first be registered to the DataLink Patient Portal at {domain-url}/#/account. Upon account setup a username and password will be created that will be used to access the DataLink PDAPI.
The DataLink PDAPI validates the login credentials and access to patient information. The API returns a limited time Bearer token which should be used for subsequent API calls.
- Username
- Password
Method: POST
URL: {domain-url}/patientportal/api/external/pd/v1/authentication/login

Sample Response

On Failure:

Application Access – Patient Selection – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(7)
In compliance to 45 CFR 170.315(g)(7), DataLink PDAPI provides an API that receives a request with identifying information about a patient and returns a unique token specific to that patient. The unique patient token can be used as a parameter when calling the data access api endpoints. The account must be setup to have access the patient requested.
- FirstName : string (optional)
- LastName : string (optional)
- DateOfBirth : string format “YYYY-MM-DD” (optional)
- Skip : integer – (optional) – default 0
- Take : integer – (optional) – default 30
- CountOnly : True/False – (optional) – default False
All parameters are optional but either FirstName, LastName, or DateOfBirth must be specified. Take and Skip can be used to request pages of data. CountOnly will only return the count.
Method: POST
URL: {domain-url}/patientportal/api/external/pd/v1/patient/sear
Sample Patient Selection Request:

Sample Response – If Patient is found:

Sample Response – If Patient is not found:

Application Access – Data Category Request – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(8)
In compliance to 45 CFR 170.315(g)(8), the DataLink PDAPI provides access to patient clinical data based on different CCDA data categories.
This API responds to requests for patient data for each of the individual data categories specified in USCDI v1 and return the full set of data for that data category. The API also responds to requests for patient data associated with a specific date as well as requests for patient data within a specified date range.
The API returns patient data on these different categories:
- Demographics
- Smoking Status
- Problems
- Medications
- Medication Allergies
- Labs
- Vital Signs
- Procedures
- Care Team Members
- Immunizations
- Implantable Devices
- Assessment and Plan of Treatment
- Goals
- Health Concerns
- Document Reference
- Provenance
In order to access patient data for specific category, the categories should be passed as an array of string in the body of the request. The category string should follow the exact same format as in 2015 Edition §170.315(g)(8) Application Access –Data Category Request.
- PatientId : string (optional)
- Sections : string array
- StartDate : string format “YYYY-MM-DD” (optional)
- EndDate : string format “YYYY-MM-DD” (optional)
The PatientId parameter is not required when authenticated as a single patient. If requesting data for all time pass null or do not specify the StartDate or EndDate parameters. In order to get patient data for a specific date, parameters StartDate and EndDate should be the same.
The sample request is shown below:
Sample Request:
Method: POST
URL: {domain-url}/api/external/pd/v1/patient/PatientData
Sample Request

Sample Response:

Application Access – All Data Request – 45 CFR 170.315(g)(9)
DataLink PDAPI provides access to patient clinical data, in compliance to 45 CFR 170.315(g)(9).
This API responds to requests for patient data for all the data categories specified in the USCDI v2. The API also responds to requests for patient data associated with a specific date as well as requests for patient data within a specified date range.
- PatientId : string (optional)
- StartDate : string format “YYYY-MM-DD” (optional)
- EndDate : string format “YYYY-MM-DD” (optional)
The PatientId parameter is not required when authenticated as a single patient. If requesting data for all time pass null or do not specify the StartDate or EndDate parameters. In order to get patient data for a specific date, parameters StartDate and EndDate should be the same.
The sample request is shown below:
Sample Request:
Method: POST
URL: {domain-url}/api/external/pd/v1/patient/PatientData
Sample Request:

Sample Response: