

Meet Paul Drinkut!

Employee spotlight

What do you do for DataLink Software?

As one of the system administrators I’m part of the IT team that handles all the daily and monthly tasks and problems and makes sure that everyone at DataLink can make it through the workday. We also create all the accounts for users and handle all the permission changes along with the Maintenance for all the servers

What do you like most about DataLink?

I like my team the most at DataLink, we’ve always been a small team which I think has created a tight bond between all of us. Along with my team Mark has been the best manager I’ve ever worked with and i think that makes us all work a little bit harder and take a little more pride in what we do.

Which DataLink value is your favorite? And Why?

Engage & Grow Together – It should remind us as a company to work together to achieve goals rather than thinking of each other as separate teams or groups.

Please provide us with a personal quote.

Did you make a ticket?

Before working at DataLink, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked in a chocolate factory that made products for Disney and Universal.

How did you first learn about DataLink?

My best friend used to work here.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Bruce Willis