

Meet Shawnticia Braddy!

Quote from technical QA analyst

Describe what you do at Datalink - in your own words

I’m a technical QA analyst working primarily on our EvokeEHR platform. My daily duties include creating test cases per PBI specifications, continuous communication with the development team to ensure specifications are met with quality, performing various types of testing on product features, finding and logging any defects found, and always striving to improve the QA process to increase the effectiveness of delivered services.

What do you like most about Datalink?

While there are so many great things to love about DataLink, the top of the list answer for me is each individual person that works here. The people: plain and simple. Our careers consume a large part of lives, and being around positive, motivating, inspiring, fun, understanding, and intellectual people makes that time truly satisfying and exciting. From the moment I was hired until this very day, each person that I’ve come into contact with has been instrumental in my success and happiness here, and for that I’m grateful.

Which DataLink value is your favorite? and Why?

Engage & Grow Together.
To me, it’s about helping each individual grow and do better and in turn that will help the company to grow and become better. I feel like no matter how much experience someone has or how intelligent they are, there’s always something new to learn from others.

How do you put this value to work in your worklife?

I challenge myself to not just think outside of the box but to reach outside of the box as well. I don’t let my title confine me to speaking up when I see an opportunity to make a difference or something that would enhance the product/end user satisfaction. I try to remove my ego as much as possible, so that I can put the team and the organizations goals above my own. I’m open to feedback from others and try to implement that feedback into my work, so that I can continue to be successful and reach my full potential

What makes you feel most valued at DataLink?

The integrity and respect that’s given from everyone is what makes me feel most valued at DataLink. I believe a true reflection of a company’s character is based on how the top level executives treat and engage with their counterparts. I’ve walked into rooms with the most humble C-level executives who are quick to reach out and say ” Hi Shawna! How are you?” ” Is there anything I can do to help?” and other phrases that show respect and integrity are an integral part of their character. Being seen and being respected despite my job title is top tier.

What has been the best part about working at DataLink?

In my opinion, the best part is a sum of all the little things that add up. DataLink created an atmosphere where it’s celebrated to be yourself, to have fun, to ask for help and receive that help, to feel truly heard, and so much more. For me, actionable work/ life balance is the ultimate measure of a great company. DataLink takes that to a whole different level with their recharge days off, flexible remote work, unwind holiday events, team building outings, etc. They understand that we’re individuals with real lives and follow through on that understanding of treating us as such. I’m honored to work for a company that embraces the concept of rest and recovery.

How have you grown at DataLink?

I’ve grown in so many ways since working at Datalink. Both professionally and personally. I’ve learned and utilized new applications increasing my QA skill set. I’ve learned to persevere and trust myself to handle new challenges knowing I can exceed expectations. And I’ve grown to understand that my part in this company is helping to make a worthwhile contribution to so many lives and that is best feeling in the world.

How has Datalink helped you in your career development?

By providing resources for continuous learning and skill development. My immediate manager continues to help me to navigate my career road map and creates opportunities for me to engage in those steps.

A little about you...

Do you have a nickname?


Please provide us with a personal quote.

“The world is changed by your example; not by your opinion”

~ Paulo Coelho

If you had to tell your 15-year-old self one thing, what would it be?

Life will continue to throw curveballs your way but you will continue to overcome them. Trust yourself!

Any random facts you could share with us?

I enjoy watching cleaning videos on Youtube and Tiktok.

Describe what you were like at age 10.

A book nerd obsessed with the Harry Potter franchise. Both are still true to this day.

Tell us about your favorite travel spot and why you like to go there.

Miami— it’s home and like Dorothy said “there’s no place like home”. Also, the food is amazing and I literally love palm trees.

Who do you consider your role model and why?

My first grade teacher, Ms. Caroline Reed. She poured life into me at such a young age. She is such an intelligent, patient, beautiful and motivating soul. Her level of care and compassion was deeper than most educators I had encountered. She taught me that if I was willing to learn–the options would be endless. I’ve carried that teaching with me ever since and it’s had the most impact on my success in life.